
LOOP Talks 2017: a lunch with Vincent Fremont

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Vincent Fremont

As an in-depth contribution to the “contemporary archaeology of video” prompted by the Festival, this year’s edition of the Talks provided a current reading of early video art. Eminent pioneering artists conversed with curators of peer and younger generations, so to establish formal and conceptual connections between the past and present and explore the influence of avant-garde artistic proposals on contemporary production. 

During his presentation, Vincent Fremont talked extensively about his relationship – both professional and personal – with Andy Warhol, since the time they met in the summer of 1969, until his death in 1987. Being the Vice-President of Andy Warhol Enterprises and the Executive Manager of the Andy Warhol studio he built up a very close relationship with the artist, that also materialised in the creation of many video, television and film projects. Among these, Fremont talked largely about Andy Warhol’s TV.