
Mayra Martell

1979, Ciudad Juárez

Mayra Martell
Mayra Martell

Mayra Martell documents the effects of structural violence on women in Latin America. Her work has primarily focused on femicides and human trafficking. 

In 2019, she was nominated for the Joop Swart Masterclass competition. In 2016, she received a grant from the Sistema Nacional de Creadoras del Hondo Nacional de Cultura de México. She was also awarded the Young Creators Grant in 2005 and 2015, as well as Artistic Residencies from Fonca in 2007, 2008, and 2012. In 2021, she was awarded the Ankaria Photo Prize by the Ankaria Foundation in Madrid. 

Her book Ciudad Juárez was published by the German publishing house Seltmann + Söhne in 2013. The books Ciudad Juárez (Mexico) and Petare (Venezuela) are part of the CLAP! 10X10 Contemporary Latin American Photobook festival, touring the United States and Europe. She has had exhibitions in Germany, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, France, Spain, Colombia, Guatemala, Venezuela, Brazil, and the United States.