
Transient Senses

— a project about architecture, understood in its most basic definition of structure, form and materiality

29 April — 21 June 2015

Transient Senses

The sound installation presented at the pavilion considers two categories of perception, the inner space and the outer space, and explores the flow between one and the other. The project’s philosophy is generated by various explorations of architecture and cognition, originating in the works of Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson and Eleanor Rosch, and developing, among other theorists, by Shaun Gallagher, Ezequiel Di Paolo, Thomas Fuchs, or Dan Zahavi. The fundamental question is: can architecture be a condition in the appearance of feeling? With this perspective, the immediate, sensual and pre-aesthetic interaction between human bodies and their constructed environment is analyzed, and the foundation for understanding the aesthetic experience of architecture and opening the channels of participation through art are made.

In addition to the installation, a video essay, audio pieces and text by Alex Arteaga were presented at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies. Research seminars were also conducted by Alex Arteaga at the Goethe Institut and at Sonar + D.