‘The Happening Of An Idea’ is the new exhibition of Johan Barrios (Colombia, 1984), produced for LOOP Festival. This exhibition presents a group of works which make us ponder about the ephemeral action that reflects around the construction and deconstruction of the image. The exhibition questions the duality between the claim of desire for anonymity and the dissemination of privacy through new technologies. The massive amount of content being shared causes a trivialization of the images shown and transforming our information into objects of fast and ephemeral consumption. The video work presented is a performance action that reflects the enigmatic nature of the paper artwork that is shown. This new exhibition continues on the same vein as ‘Ejercicios de Ruptura’, previous exhibition of Johan Barrios in the gallery in the framework of Art Nou, where the artist had already talked about the idea of capturing the ephemeral nature of a performative image into an artwork.