
“The Case for Letting the Stars Determine Who I Date”

Friday 29 November 2019, 7 pm

“The Case for Letting the Stars Determine Who I Date”
Toni Amengual, 'Androids in the woods', 2017

Prologue by Caterina Almirall

Audiovisual reading on the transformation of our emotional relationships after the introduction of new technologies and artificial intelligence. Using a compilation of case studies such as applications, consumer products and service contracts but also films, publicacions and interventions by artists and activists, Núria Gómez Gabriel traces a path through the universe of emotional surveillance.

Our love is one of cosmic aberrations. The universe of emotional vigilance is a place of hidden forces, capable of predicting what your future relationship will be in a speculative and rational way or of diagnosing an episode of severe depression ahead of time. With its own rules integrated in its platforms, it represents the combination of legal, moral, aesthetic, technological and commercial effects of the connected digital world. In an ecosystem where the interfaces are increasingly more persuasive and where algorithms play an oracular and preventive role, Who or what determines who or what I am going to fall in love with?​