
Laurent Fiévet. ‘States of Grace’

21 May — 10 June 2016

Laurent Fiévet. ‘States of Grace’
Laurent Fiévet, "States of Grace" (2015), still from video, 27’

In its second collaboration with LOOP Barcelona, French artist Laurent Fiévet (1969) presents "States of Grace", a series of videos which associate excerpts from Alfred Hitchcock’s 'Rear Window' to paintings representing the Madonna and Child by Italian painter Leonardo Da Vinci.

Built after the opening sequence of the film where the protagonists Jeff and Lisa Fremont are shown while talking to each other, each pair consists of a twenty minute dialogue between the overlapped images and furthermore results in a tribute to the Princess Grace of Monaco.

In accordance with the themes proposed by these visual layers, the montage brings about reflections on the principle of Stendhalian crystallization, the conflicting aspirations inside a couple and the threat that the intrusion of a third individual could cause to its fragile balance. Ultimately, this intrusion alludes to the viewer’s glance inside a work of art and to the faculty of opening new perspectives in the process of analyses.

'States of Grace' by Laurent Fiévet ©Aitor Estévez

‘States of Grace’ by Laurent Fiévet ©Aitor Estévez

'States of Grace' by Laurent Fiévet ©Aitor Estévez

‘States of Grace’ by Laurent Fiévet ©Aitor Estévez