
Parallel Activities to the Exhibition ‘Claude Cahun’

23 November 2011 — 1 January 2016

Parallel Activities to the Exhibition ‘Claude Cahun’

The purpose of the programme of parallel activities for the exhibition ‘Claude Cahun’ held at la Virreina Centre de la Imatge in 2011-2012  was to bring the image of this artist up to date and highlight her continued validity with regard to contemporary practices and discourses. Nonetheless, this exercise is based, not only on pointing to contemporary works, artists or discourses that invite one to think of Cahun as a precedent, but also on exploring the successive ways in which the critical frames through which “her” work has been studied have been updated themselves. These revivals and evaluations of Cahun from different perspectives have thrown light on and complemented the many different facets of the artist’s creative practice.

Session 1: Queer interstices: Pauline Boudry and Renate Lorenz

Presented by Juan Vicente Aliaga, and screening of ‘Normal Work’, ‘Salomania’, and ‘N.O. Body’ by Pauline Boudry and Renate Lorenz.

Session 2: Self-portrait in four hands: affective performativity.

Conversation betweed Barbara Hammer and Viginia Villaplana and screening of ‘ ‘Lover Other. The Story of Claude Cahun and Marcel Moore’ and ‘Tender Fictions’, by Barbara Hammer.

Session 3: Paris was a Woman

Talk with François Leperlier, Greta Schiller and Andrea Weiss, and screeining of ‘Paris was a Woman’ by Greta Schiller

Session 4: Queer Surrealism

Presentation by James Boaden, and screening of ‘The Liberation of Mannique Mecanique’ and ‘Luminous Procuress’ by Steven Arnold
