On the occasion of this talk, artists Fatma Bucak and Melanie Manchot will talk about the crossovers between video and performance with curator of New Media Art Marcella Lista.
Artists Fatma Bucak and Melanie Manchot are participating in the Fair with the works Suggested Place for You to See it and Then God Blessed Them (2013), and 11/18 /2015), respectively. Both works were singled out by Rose Lejeune for the Fair’s online curated section “In Time.” Bringing together more than 9 works by international artists, the section explores the boundaries between performance and video. Through a series of different formats – from 16mm film and video, to digital animation – the works highlight artists’ use of the camera as both the audience and witness. The body, and how it changes, its absence or disappearance, are highlighted in the camera’s frame and through the selection we see how the artists have expanded the notion of performing for the camera though portrait and fiction, theatricality and demonstration, abstraction and investigations into vast durational potentials of the ‘ever-live’ space of performance for the camera.