
Cerith Wyn Evans. ‘Firework Text (Pasolini)’

21 May — 4 June 2016

Cerith Wyn Evans. ‘Firework Text (Pasolini)’
Ceryth Wyn Evans, Firework Text (Pasolini), (1999), 16mm film transferred to dvd, 15' Courtesy Collezione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino

As the result of LOOP's interest in collecting strategies, the Museu Frederic Marès shows 'Firework Text (Pasolini)', a work by Ceryth Wyn Evans belonging to the Collezione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo.

The work of Ceryth Wyn Evans (1958, Llanelli, Great Britain) focuses on how ideas can be communicated through form. His conceptual production includes the use of different media, among which installation, sculpture, photography, film and writing. Evans’s work seeks to break with the existing communication systems, both through the subversion of certain material formats as well as by adopting a purely personal voice.

Firework Text (Pasolini) (1998) shows one of the performative sculptures by the artist, in which the text, supported by a wooden structure, gradually disappears after being lit. The silent film, which was recorded on the same beach where the famous Italian filmmaker was murdered, evokes the sad episode and at the same time reflects analytically on the modalities of storytelling. Evans invites us to think about the meanings of language and perception, and about their manifestation in the exhibition space.