
El penúltim sopar

16 April — 31 July 2016

El penúltim sopar

Highlights video projections by Benet Rossell and Antoni Miralda and work of Joan Rabascall under the LOOP Festival. Other artists in the exhibition are Evru, Robert Llimós, Angels Ribé, Benet Rossell, Jaume Xifra and Plantalech. Metaphor encounter with the work of nine artists associated with the gallery, that through his works we pose a critical fiction about the world in which they live. A world in permanent transformation, which in the past five decades has seen profound changes: The development of democracy, capitalism, technology, industry and migration, among others, have shaped a ‘generous’ time transformations that have also influenced the design and practice of art. The inheritance vanguards or the emergence of movements such as conceptual art, behaved multitude of new attitudes, forms and means of expression such as performance art, video art, Body art or Net Art, artists used to understand denounce or bring something for social welfare. It is therefore committed and revealing creativity, the common ingredient in this El penúltim sopar.

Acknowledgements: Works by Jaume Xifra courtesy of John Xifra and Rosa Bosch.

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