
Domènec. ‘Walden 7 or Life In The Cities’

7 — 17 November 2022

Domènec. ‘Walden 7 or Life In The Cities’

By way of archival footage, recent material and interviews, the video proposal on Ricardo Bofill’s Walden7 –a massive social housing building and a radical architectural project on the outskirts of Barcelona–, wants to review its journey between the initial project outline and its current status.

The compilation of the different testimonies is structured around the core conversation with the architect’s sister and co-author of the project Anna Bofill, herself an architect, as well as a feminist activist and co-founder of the Architecture Workshop. She has been living in the building for the past 30 years, thus, identifying with the project through to the end.

Co-finances with funds from the Creative Europe Program and the project A-PLACE. Linking places through networked artistic practices.