
Benet Rossell & Miralda. ‘Boum! Boum!’

26 May — 10 June 2016

Benet Rossell & Miralda. ‘Boum! Boum!’

Boum! Boum! En avant la musique! (1974) is a fictional film directed by Benet Rossell (Àger , Lleida, 1937) and Antoni Miralda (Terrassa, 1942), shot in Paris and starring Jaume Xifra and Pierre Restany. It is a playful, sharp and satirical critique against the inconsistency of the war, in which music takes on a leading role with a wide repertoire of soldiery songs. A pathetic figure of a marshal walks upon the boots of dead soldiers, in this way parodying the military leaders who always survive in the rear, and trace a sort of rancid and triumphant Via Crucis.

Emblematic figures of the group of Catalan conceptual artists in Paris in the Sixties and Seventies—with Jaume Xifra and Joan Rabascall—, Miralda and Benet Rossell have performed together in several artist films—like París. La Cumparsita (1972) or Ceremonials (1974)—that document the actions carried out in Paris and Barcelona public spaces.