Border imag(e)naries is a group show organized by àngels barcelona for LOOP Festival 2016. We are currently experiencing a historical situation in which borders have taken on a symbolic significance, shaping identities and the social and political landscape. Borders efined broadly to include territorial dividing lines, as well as sociocultural boundaries, have become increasingly relevant points of struggle over social belonging and cultural and material resources. Border imag(e)naries gathers a selection of works through which to get a closer look at borders as sites of diverse struggles, as well as elements from which to depart from when thinking about today’s global, political and social situations and their symbolic significance. The artists selected for this exhibition deal with the concept of borders in different ways ranging from the limits of the social borders marked by society’s fictions, to the conceptual limits of image production and recalling the political and geographical border limitations observed in the ever so present relationship between borders, security and sovereign power.