
A-Place: Place-making…

— through body moves.

Tuesday 16 November 2021, 4 — 5:30 pm

A-Place: Place-making…

Artist Arash Fayez will lead a conversation that explores the role of music in forming a sense of belonging to a location, which is the main concern of the project “I can only dance to one song” he developed in the framework of “A-PLACE. Linking places through networked artistic practices”. This work portrays accounts of displacement rooted in the experience of migrants through sound and movement. It looks at the crucial role that these forms of cultural production have for migrants to keep their roots and origins alive while living in a new and often unfamiliar context. Several question are raised:
How to keep connection with one’s own roots while using a language that could be understood worldwide (as dancing) ? In which ways cultural exchange instead of complete assimilation can be a strategy to remain connected to one’s origins while living in a new environment ? What can be the rôle of music and body as cultural vectors in a displacement situation ?

This activity is co-financed by the Creative Europe program in the framework of the project "A-PLACE. Linking places through networked artistic practices"