
Marco Godoy. ‘Reclamar el eco’

30 May — 5 June 2016

Marco Godoy. ‘Reclamar el eco’
Marco Godoy, Reclamar el eco (2012), 5 min 25 sec. Courtesy the artist

Shortlisted in 2015 for the Discovery Award, "Reclamar el eco (2012) by Marco Godoy (Spain, 1986) is shown for the first time at the Ateneu Barcelonès.

In this work, the author has adapted songs commonly sung at demonstrations in Spain into a musical piece based on scores by Henry Purcell. Ever since the financial crisis started, “Es diu democràcia, però no és una democràcia” (It’s called democracy, but it isn’t democracy), “No tenim por” (We’re not afraid) and “Aquestes són les nostres armes” (These are our weapons) have been common phrases at demonstrations, sung in monotone by thousands of people. In the video a choir called Solfónica sings the piece in an empty theatre. Solfónica is an assembly-based choir that only sings at demonstrations in Madrid, acting as a “protest choir”. The songs that were composed for the video have now been adopted by Solfónica as part of their repertoire.
