Through a series of roundtable discussions gathering together international art professionals, the LOOP Talks 2018 provided the space to debate and exchange ideas on contemporary modes of production or the cluster of acknowledged practices and concepts that form a context within which the moving image is used and circulated.
Within this talk, Sandra Terdjman (Founder, Council and Kadist) and Carolina Ciuti (Artistic Director, LOOP Barcelona) introduced the KVL – VIDEOCLOOP initiative, a joint collaboration towards the free streaming of videos and films online. With the participation of artist Hans Op de Beeck and curator Barbara London, the panel hence touched upon the following questions:
How do images accrue value through online circulation?
What happens if a video is made available online, for free and for an unlimited amount of time, but also sold in galleries through limited editions?
Can the editioning model coexist with video rental and online streaming?
What are the best viewing conditions for a video online?