
Sindihogar / Sindillar

2012, Barcelona

Sindihogar / Sindillar
Sindihogar / Sindillar

Sindihogar/Sindillar is the first independent trade union of housekeepers and caring workers in Spain. Since its creation in 2011, it’s been actively involved with the struggle for the dignity of caring work as well as migrant women’s agency in public policy. Because of their strong commitment to affirm the role of migrant women as cultural producers, they have been engaged in several artistic projects, creating performances that have been publicly displayed, as well as theater works (Rebomboris, Madremanya…) made jointly with La Bonne. During the last 5 years, they have been particularly focused on the critical study and approach of cultural heritage, creating projects such as The Antirracist and Caring Tour (winner of the CMIB prize 2021), a series of Visual Narratives for the project MEMEX, and the creation of pedagogical tools for Higher Education’s decolonization within the project BRIDGES-building inclusive societies.