
Robyn Denny

1972, Cape Town, South Africa

Robyn Denny
Robyn Denny

Robyn Denny, since the mid 1990’s, has been migrating intensively and extensively through several mediums: painting and drawing; videography; curating, and narrative filmmaking. Denny majored in painting at Michaelis School of Fine Art, Cape Town then she attained a Master of Fine Arts from Goldsmiths College in London, where she graduated primarily in video art at the turn of the millennium. Denny co­curated JUNCTURE in London and Cape Town in 2001, the critically renowned group show, and created her own video­installation for it – Earth, Air, Fire, Water. This led to Denny studying film making at the New York Film Academy in London. Her short film Green Mandala won official selection to the Palm Springs and the Durban International Film Festival. She returned to painting with a solo exhibition of large black works: INK PAINTINGS Underground at The Hudson in 2007, followed by her studio exhibition in 2010 and Beasts of Burden at the AVA in 2013 and Lovell Gallery in 2014. In 2016 her collaborative film with Mamela Nyamza Hatched 2015 was exhibited at Gallery MOMO Cape Town.