
Mariana Caló & Francisco Queimadela

Viana do Castelo / Coimbra

Mariana Caló & Francisco Queimadela
Mariana Caló & Francisco Queimadela

Mariana Caló (Viana do Castelo, 1984) and Francisco Queimadela (Coimbra, 1985) studied Painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto and have been working as a duo since 2010. Calouste Gulbenkian Scholars in 2012 for an artistic residency at Gasworks, London and Scholars of General Directorate for the Arts (DGArtes) / INOV-Art program, which they developed in Berlin, where they were based between 2008 and 2012.

Distinguished with the BES Revelation Award (Serralves Foundation / Banco Espírito Santo, Lisbon / Porto) in 2012 and Winners of the International Schermo dell’arte Film Festival award in 2013. Finalists of the EDP Novos Artistas Award (EDP Foundation, Porto) in 2013. Winners of the first edition of the Paulo Cunha e Silva Prize in 2018. In 2021 they participated in the 34th Bienal de São Paulo.