José Luis Corazón Ardura is an essayist and exhibition curator. His main interest is in setting up a poetic capable of detecting nihilism in today’s society, through the intersection of writing and performing contemporary art exhibition projects. He is co-director of curatorial group Commission and editor for Spain and Latin America in Cura Magazine. From his books should be noted ‘Historias de autómatas’. ‘Conversaciones con Sigfrido Martín Begué’, ‘Poéticas del presente’ and ‘La escalera da a la nada’. ‘Estética de Juan Eduardo Cirlot’. Among his most important exhibitions, ‘Extrarradio’, ‘Res publicae’. ‘Intervenciones del capitalismo en el videoarte español actual’, ‘La comunidad desobrada’ and ‘Undergentrification’. He has been a collaborator of ‘Revista de Occidente’, ‘Nolens Volens’ and ‘La alegría de los naufragios’, among other national and international specialized publications.