Jean Claude Carrière (Colombières-sur-Orb, 1931) is one of the guionistes more important of the history of the cinema. It worked with Buñuel in the script of six of the films of the Aragonese director, between which highlight “Belle de jour” (1967), “El discreto encanto de la burguesía” (1972) and “Este oscuro objeto del deseo” (1977). Also it has written for other directors, such as Luis García Berlanga, Volker Schlöndorff, Milos Forman, Philip Kaufman, Louis Malle, Marco Ferreri and Andrzej Wadja. The year 1962 won Òscar for the curtmetratge Heureux Anniversaire, and the 2014 conceded him Òscar honorífic for the group of his path. In addition to his work as a guionista, Carrière has written books of anthropological character, how The círculo of los mentirosos (2000); religious, how The fuerza of the Budismo (1996); of memories, how Stops to kill the recuerdo (2011), or centred in the world of the book and the reading, Cómo Nadie acabará con los libros (2010), written with Umberto Echo. The group of his work has turned him into an authentic humanist and an intellectual of reference in Europe. The mots and the thing (Blackie Books, 2016), his last book published in Catalonia, is a glossary of the noble art of the paraulota exact, a relation epistolaire between a philologist and a dubber of films pornogràfiques.