She lives in Barcelona. In 1976 she enrolled at Escola Eina to study painting and the poetics of space. In 1981she is granted the scholarship of the Ministry of Culture and travels to Warsaw where the foreseeable coup d’etat transforms her pictorial world. This was the turning point where the “journey” became a central element in her artistic process. The exhibitions HISTORIA D’UNA TEMPTACIÓ at Meda MOTHI in Montpellier (France), BARCELONA TRASBALSADA, ELS DIDS GÈLITS in Barcelona and TRÁFICO DE EFECTOS in Madrid situated her within the Neo-expressionist Movement of the 1980’s. In 1988 she receives a grant from the Académia di Roma and l’Écolle des Beaux Arts de Nimes(France). Arnau Puig defines her painting as “semanticized constructivism” mainly due to the recurrence of cavities in her art. 6.8.89 TIANANMENT was an intervention in the public space of Hospitalet in Barcelona, where she dug a ditch as a tribute to the Chinese students, with the collaboration of sound artist Barbara Held.
In 1996 her daughter Djuna was born and in 1999 she created the installation MAL.LALTES D’AMOR in Lübeck (Germany) evoking organic holes in space.
In 2001 she took her dream trip to Island where she embarked in the space of silence working mainly with photography and video.
In 2002 she presented her first video installation 2 HABITACIONS AMB VISTES, a social portrait of Barcelona. In 2004 she makes the video installation ETC, a reflection on the absence of women artists in the history of art. From 2007 to the present day she has participated in multiple national and international exhibitions: New York, Korea, Spain, China, Berlin, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Italy. In 2011 she paints 7 MURALES at the Boqueria Market in Barcelona in collaboration with the architect Carme Pinós.
In 2015 she participates in the NOSEDEN Biennale, Japan, with DEALERS OF MEMORY, which consists of two interventions: the video installation MEMÒRIA PER UN ICEBERG as an archaeologist of the future and the installation LLIBRE DE LLÀGRIMES (the book of tears)
In 2016 at the show SakaiArtePorto, Japan, she made her performance TRACTION ACTION triggered by the need to bring the human kind and the Universe together. Her action consisted of the evocation of an infinite space constructed with the footprints in pink pigment of the city walker-byes.
Her last project is the installation LLUM! In the Montjïc Castel in Barcelona, Spain.