
Cris Blanco


Cris Blanco
Cris Blanco

Cris Blanco was born in Madrid and she lives in Barcelona. From 2003 she realizes her own scenic pieces and she is employed as interpreter at performance, dance, theatre and cinema. The transformation of codes and objects, the mixture of scenic kinds, the live music, the tricks at sight, the science-fiction and to make the theatrical device visible are present in her work.

Some of her scenic works are cUADRADO_fLECHA_pERSONA qUE cORRE (2004), TELETRANsPORTATION (2010), ciencia_ficción (2010) The Set Up in collaboration with Cuqui Jerez, María Jerez, Amaia Urra and Gilles Gentner. The live movie El Agitador Vórtex (2014) and Bad Translation (2016) created in collaboration with scar Bueno, Javier Cruz, Cris Celada, Amaranta Velarde and Ayara Hernández.