
Caterina Almirall

Caterina Almirall
Caterina Almirall

She is an independent curator and lectures. As a curator, her work always maintains an interest in the artistic field itself, understanding artistic practice as a space for the production of knowledge and debate about the world. In recent times, she her research has focused on exhibition and mediation practice, with a special interest in magic, understanding artistic practice as a ritual and as a place of learning. She began curating with the self-managed space El Passadís, in Barcelona, ​​active between 2013 and 2016. Since then, she has developed curatorial projects in Barcelona at etHall gallery, 2020, Bombon Projects, 2019; Can Felipa, 2018, Sala de Arte Joven de Barcelona, ​​2015; the Centre d’Art Maristany, Sant Cugat del Vallès; MAC, Mataró; La Panera, Lleida; Espacio Trapézio, Madrid, among others. She has been the curator of the annual cycle Terrassa Comisariado 2017/18, and of the Ephemeral programme of SWAB Fair Barcelona in 2018, 2019 and 2020. She is interested in experimenting with curatorial and creative practice, establishing numerous collaborations with other artists and groups to give life to research projects or publication. She writes regularly for the critical magazines A*Desk. She has been a professor of Art Sociology at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UB since 2016, and of the Postgraduate-Master of Artistic Mediation at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the UB, since 2018. Currently, she is a member of the Hangar Programs commission. She holds a BA in Fine Arts and a MA in Art and Education from the University of Barcelona. She is currently completing a PhD in Arts Education and Visual Culture, at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona with a sociological research on the relationship between self-managed and institutional practices in the artistic field of Barcelona, ​​providing special attention to the role of curators.

Last update: 21st October 2020.