Antonio Monegal is professor of literary theory and comparative literature at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona since 1994. He currently directs the Institute of Culture at UPF and coordinates the research group on Comparative Literature. He received his PhD from Harvard University in 1989, taught at Cornell University until his return to Spain, and has been a visiting professor at Harvard, Princeton and the University of Chicago. Among other publications, he is the author of Luis Buñuel de la literatura al cine (Anthropos, 1993) and En los límites de la diferencia: Poesía e imagen en las vanguardias hispánicas (Tecnos, 1998). He edited Literatura y pintura (Arco Libros, 2000), En Guerra (CCCB, 2004), Política y (po)ética de las imágenes de guerra (Paidós, 2007), and García Lorca’s Viaje a la luna (Pre-Textos, 1994) and El público y El sueño de la
vida (Alianza, 2000). His research focuses on the politics of culture and on the representation of wars in literature and the visual arts. In 2004 he co-curated with Francesc Torres and José María Ridao an exhibition titled “At War” at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona. Between 2009 and 2013, he was the vice-president of the Arts Council of Barcelona and presided over its Executive Committee.