
Alterdúo – Arianna Esposito & Marco Tondello

Alterdúo – Arianna Esposito & Marco Tondello
Alterdúo – Arianna Esposito & Marco Tondello

Alterdúo is a curation project conceived by Arianna Esposito and Marco Tondello. Their projects and research are born from challenging current realities, with a special focus on emergent and marginal realities, in order to build networks and intersubjective spaces between culture and the community.
They share an interest towards modern and digital art practices, and their work is built upon two main guidelines: dialogue and processes. Dialogue is used as a device that provides care and a drive towards collaborative and non-hegemonic experiences, whereas processes, as constant actions, provide a starting point for other possible beginnings.
As a duo, they have curated the #internetflags exhibition by Irma Marco at the Espai Souvenir gallery, they have collaborated with L’Estruch, from Sabadell, in Dissonants, series of events on performance and technology, and they are currently resident curators at the Centro Espronceda in Barcelona as part of the 2021 Curation program.

Last update 28th September 2021