
Albert Alcoz

1979, Barcelona

Albert Alcoz
Albert Alcoz

Albert Alcoz is a filmmaker, teacher and film curator of experimental film and artists’ video. PhD in Media Arts from Universidad Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona and Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona where he teaches cinema and video. He writes about avant-garde cinema, documentary film and video art for various print media as well as his website Visionary Film created in 2006. Since 2005 he has made several works in film and videographic formats, some of which are distributed by HAMACA or included at the Xcèntric Archive. He has been part of audiovisual platforms like Angular –a publisher of DVDs of international experimental film–, Venusplutón!, Blogs&Docs, Found Footage Magazine and curated the screenings series Amalgama, Cinema Anèmic and CRANC. He has written the books Resonancias fílmicas. El sonido en el cine estructural (1960-1981) (Shangrila, 2017) and Radicales libres. 50 películas esenciales del cine experimental (UOC, 2019).

Last update: July 17th, 2019