
Take or live it

Wednesday 17 November 2021, 6 — 7:30 pm

Take or live it

During the lock-down, theaters, museums and art centers began to publish videos of performances on their websites due to the impossibility of keeping a face-to-face, live program. It seemed the only way they could imagine to maintain visibility and impact on the digital scene on that respect. But it was done at all costs, without paying fees to the artists, giving no context to the works... One cannot obviously generalize. Not every institution worked this way and after some public criticism, some others began to reflect on how to deal with a video of a performance and its public distribution. That raises several questions: Is the video that depicts a performance also the work? Do some artists agree on showing those video records as an artwork in order to keep their names on the billboard? What is the line that separates the work from the documentation of it? If performance is living art, is the performance's video a betrayal of its own nature?