
Marcel·lí Antúnez. ALSAXY

8 November — 31 January 2019

Marcel·lí Antúnez. ALSAXY

ALSAXY is an interactive installation for all audiences, product of a residence of Marcel·lí in the district of Hautepierre in Strasbourg, France to 2015 andwhich is presented for the first time to Barcelona. Alsaxy is an extraordinaryfact to Hautepierre. A great CORTÈGE -parade- walks through the district the organs of a great being. These parts are called Karine, Catherine,Eleonore, Brigitte and Jacqueline as the urban meshes that define Hautepierre.Everyone goes to the Cortège and during their passage we discover some secrets of the neighborhood as there are inside the MEGAFISH, what are the desires and wishes to KIOSK, which happens with ARKIGNOL and the end of the tour with the BATAMAILLE. Technically the installation shows a large screen 8 meters wide by 2’75 meters high that allows users a varied interaction with different interfaces such as Boxcam, sensor tapestriesor Micam. The installation was presented for the first time to Le Shadokin Strasbourg on 22 October 2015, until 16 January 2016. ALSAXY is the title of the sample that is completed from a compilation of preparatory drawings and other elements.
