

— Working towards sustainable models for time-based art

Wednesday 16 November 2022, 11 am — 12:30 pm


This meeting will propose a series of questions surrounding the production, presentation, and distribution of time-based work, including moving-image and performance. In addition to the usual institution commissions and artist grants for pro-ducing new work, what alternative models exist, and can we imagine to ensure the stability of these mediums and their makers and programmers?
Increasingly, moving-image artists are finding platforms to share their work through streaming services such as MUBI and Shasha. Recently, Performance Exchange was established in London as a dispersed platform for performance art in commercial galleries. More and more, fashion houses are becoming the new patrons for video art. As a group, what pro-posals do we have for creatively funding projects and creating long-term support structures? What can we learn from the theater, film, and/or music industries? What other approaches towards collecting, commissioning, and collaborating can we imagine?