This workshop takes as its starting point the polarity of the work of the two participating artists: Paco Chanivet and Miquel García. Chanivet, interested in science fiction, technology and horror novels, develops in his work a symbiosis where reality and fiction are confused. Garcia combines collaborative practices with participative processes in which memory and the rescue of hidden stories build scenarios of multiple identities.
The work space, conceived as a laboratory in which search and creation coexist, proposes the creation of a multiple work group in which work is carried out around film essays and speculative fiction as a means of investigation, expression and knowledge of our closest environment.
Starting from the domestic and proximity, the workshop adopts essays and fiction as ductile, malleable and elastic genres to approach audiovisual creation as a form of criticism and thought and to elaborate, with the workshop participants, a series of audiovisual pieces with a critical spirit that serve as a space for experimentation, learning and reflection.