
Gabriel Virgilio Luciani


Gabriel Virgilio Luciani
Gabriel Virgilio Luciani

Gabriel Virgilio Luciani (Atlanta, USA, 1995) is a curator, editor-in-chief of and contemporary art history professor based in Barcelona. Their sphere of research is situated at a liquid intersection between neo-corporealities, poetry, queer theory, magic and objectual affectivity. Over the past eight years, they have curated shows in various galleries, art centres and alternative spaces in the Barcelona area, some within the framework of festivals such as LOOP Barcelona, Art Nou and Barcelona Gallery Weekend. They hold a Masters degree in Digital Arts Curation from the Universitat Ramon Llull – ESDi and a Bachelors degree in Fine Art from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – Escola Massana.


Actualización: 20 noviembre 2023