
A curated selection by Denise Araouzou

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Denise Araouzou
Curator Denise Araouzou presents us her selection of videos from LOOP Fair 2020 with a narrated virtual tour.
“I believe stories help make sense of it all by inviting us to listen, again. As a species we’ve always placed storytelling at the core of collectivisation and institution-forming, stories are the building blocks of the world’s religions, political movements and social upheavals. Some would say reality teaches us enough, one does not need to look to fiction for the truth. Yet, fiction as a narrative form creates space to imagine things yet to come, to try things that we have been told are impossible to realise, or things that have come and gone and we were too busy to notice. That is why fiction has enormous political importance, it gives us a chance to notice again so we can reflect on our agency, individually and collectively”.
Works presented:
. acb Gallery, Budapest, with Igor and Ivan Buharov’s Most of the souls that live here
. Cob Gallery, London, with Joe Sweeney’s 28 Days in March.
. Goodman Gallery, Cape Town with Grada Kilomba’s The Desire Project
. Chi-Wen Gallery, Taiwan, with Chang Li-Ren’s Battle City 1 – The Glory of Taiwan & Battle City 2 – Economic Miracle