
Alexis Borràs

Alexis Borràs
Alexis Borràs
Pàgina web

The Founder of Digital Films, he works in the realization of films and also does audiovisual training. He has made broadcast, advertising, educational videos and music videos. Additionally, he has developed educational projects for “la Caixa”, the Municipal Institute of Education of Barcelona and MACBA, among others. He has also produced audiovisual works for renowned directors as Juanma Bajo Ulloa, Joaquín Oristrell, Borja Cobeaga and Rafa Cortés. He has been the co-director of five editions of DiBa, the Digital Barcelona Film Festival. He currently combines the direction of Digital Films with teaching at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and the Open University of Catalonia (UOC).

Last update: May 16th, 2017