
Janis Rafa

Three Farewells

Martin van Zomeren, Amsterdam

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Janis Rafa
Three Farewells
Format & Tècnica

Father Gravedigger: 20min
Our Dead Dogs: 17min
The Last Burial: 25 min
Three-channel video, color, 4K, 2.40:1, stereo
Edition of 5 + 2 AP

  • Produced by
  • Editing
  • Colorist
  • Sound design
  • Sound mix
  • Photography
  • Cast
  • Special Thanks

Three Farewells is a trilogy of burials. Each part interprets the ambiguous concept of death and the fear of losing, outside the conventions of an anthropocentric understanding. The films consist of intricately woven visual narratives derived from personal histories.

Rafa forms a visual vocabulary and a filmic world that balances between video art, film narration and video installation. In-situ research, scripting, cinematography, post-production are inherent steps. The practice is concerned with the heterogeneous multiplicity of the living, a multiplicity of organisms of relations between living and dead, human and non-human. Each project attempts to deal with notions of mortality, mourning and the melancholy of nature and of animality that is born out of muteness.

Three Farewells is a trilogy of burials. Each part interprets the ambiguous concept of death and loss, outside the conventions of an anthropocentric understanding. Moving image is used in order to depict a certain realism that has very little to do with its usual representation. The practice is filtered by abstractions, visual metaphors and mise-en-scènes, in order to create an autonomous genuine world, hovering somewhere between actuality and a personal perception of reality. Rafa’s videos are returns to personal histories that reveal something of the subsequent carving of a place’s fiction and not necessarily of the place itself.


Cinematography Thodoros Mihopoulos GSC
Sound and sound design Aris Athanasopoulos
Supported by Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst
Alexander S. Onassis Foundation
Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten

