
Eugenio Ampudia. I tú que has fet per l’art?

8 November 2018 — 2 June 2019

Eugenio Ampudia. I tú que has fet per l’art?
Eugenio Ampudia, 'En juego', 2006

Eugenio Ampudia. I tu què has fet per l’art? [“Eugenio Ampudia. And you, what have you done for art?”] comprises twenty-one multidisciplinary works produced between 1991 and 2018, as well as a piece produced specifically for this exhibition. Using the language that is typical of advertising and the media, these works trigger a subtle irony and unexpected associations that often reach the absurd.
The work of Eugenio Ampudia (Melgar, Valladolid, 1958) is defined by its strong inquisitive nature, which tries to raise doubts and pose questions to the spectator. With a critical attitude, it explores artistic processes, the political role of artists, the meaning of a work of art, the strategies that allow for it to be built, the production, promotion and consumption mechanisms or the efficiency of the spaces assigned to art, as well as the analysis and the experience of whoever contemplates and interprets it.
I tu què has fet per l’art? allows us to understand how Eugenio Ampudia’s interests have remained almost unchanged throughout twenty-five years of work, recurrently insisting on the issue of the artist’s place in the world, their interests and, above all, the place that history has assigned to them.