
Eugènia Balcells. ‘She, Once and Again’

— Curated by Eulàlia Bosch

4 October 2022 — 22 January 2023

Eugènia Balcells. ‘She, Once and Again’

'She, once and again' by Eugènia Balcells is an exhibition in which female archetypes – all mutually inclusive and exclusive – draw their own vocabulary from which one can rethink the human relationships we experience today.

The exhibition brings together different works from the late seventies and early eighties – Fin (The End), Re-PriseBoy Meets GirlGoing Through Languages – which reveal her astute questioning of the role of women in contemporary society. The selection of works continues with Àlbum portàtil (Portable album) (1993), in which the artist pays homage to all women without exception, and Autoretrat (Self-portrait) (1980–2018), whereby she uses a video camera to portray her place in New York city, where she lived for thirty years. The exhibition closes with Becoming (2022), an installation arising from the work Un espai propi (A Space of One’s Own), in which Balcells pays tribute to the life and work of Virginia Woolf.

Balcells has always encouraged an interest in the presence of women in different spheres of public life and the need to break with predetermined role models. She questions reality through the eye of the camera and particularly explores the human stereotypes immortalized in cinema by the big Hollywood film companies.

In the mid-sixties she begins her career in the field of Spanish conceptual art, and becomes one of the pioneering artists in experimental cinema and audiovisual art.